China Direct Sourcing Welcomes You
China Direct Sourcing (CDS) is a leading manufacturing management group located in China and Hong Kong.
CDS is highly experienced and knowledgable when it comes to high-precision production for world-class customers, offering ready-made products and top quality manufacturing services based on advanced technologies in multiple global locations.
About Us
The company was established in 2000 with a mission to streamline manufacturing processes for different clients in various industries.
The company quickly evolved from a mere sourcing service into an efficient, sophisticated business platform, catering to a vast variety of clients and needs.
We own and operate office in Shanghai and Hong Kong to assist dozens of companies at any given time.
Our company in Shanghai is consisted of highly skilled team of various backgrounds such as : production management , engineering, quality control, logistics , finance.
We specialize in the manufacturing of molds and plastic and metal parts of high mechanical complexity, using a range of technologies such as plastic injection, die casting, extrusion, CNC, sand casting, punching, and others.
The company also provides technical sourcing for diverse clients and industries.
This service includes locating the best manufacturers and suppliers while providing dependability, quality testing, and worldwide shipping.
The company's support team will assist you with any product alteration and adjustment to make sure a 100% satisfaction rate is achieved.

Our Services
Technical procurement
The company manages technical procurement for diverse components, including assembly lines as complementary procurement for BOM. We buy only from the highest quality
manufacturers meeting the highest quality
standards and offering competitive prices to our clients.
The company manages assembly lines for
various components using complementary
technologies such as painting ,pasting,
complementary manufacturing, and more.
The company specialises in manufacturing plastic injection moulds, steel components based on various technologies, and injection plastic products, all with high
precision manufacturing, small and large-scale projects.